
Enhancing decision making, collaboration, and program management to accelerate progress in global health, emerging infectious diseases, and biosecurity



As an independent consultant or as part of a multi-functional team, we can help you define your strategy, augment capacity, or streamline collaborative projects to achieve your goals and strengthen the global resiliency to biological threats through strategic technology development, international engagement, and impactful science, leveraging a strong background in hands-on, global health research, biosecurity and biosafety programs, and capacity building efforts.

Emerging Infectious Diseases

Providing subject matter expertise in emerging infectious disease (bringing broad experience with a spectrum of pathogens ranging from highly pathogenic viruses, such as Ebola, Lassa, and coronaviruses, to the agents that cause malaria, West Nile virus, and Lyme disease); applying substantive experience implementing and strengthening disease tracking systems, diagnostic networks, and laboratory capacity for rapid detection and identification of new and emerging pathogens.

Program Management and International Development

Advising and managing the activities of scientific teams engaged in capacity building, global health security, and enhanced infectious disease detection. Employing diplomacy to establish productive international networks between US and host country partners to facilitate operations, infectious disease surveillance, and research activities. Developing and managing work plans that ensure clear roles and responsibilities, effective communications, informed decision making, and timely follow-through. 

Biosecurity and Biosafety

Conducting bio-surveillance system, diagnostic network, and laboratory assessments, training, and capacity building to safely modernize and augment capability to rapidly detect and identify public and animal health incidents of international concern, in support of International Health Regulations (IHR) and the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA).

Strategy and Scientific Integration

Scientific development and integration, building teams of scientific and technical staff, leveraging team members skills, to support cross enterprise objectives. Strategically supporting technical teams, providing creative solutions to complex operational problems requiring critical thinking and technical breadth. Identifying, developing, and collaborating with partners to ensure efficient performance and expansion of scientific programs.


Developing capacity and deploying novel field technologies requires creative solutions, hands-on experience, and technical breadth to mitigate complex operational problems.



Decades of scientific experience that spans the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the internationally recognized Pasteur Institute to biotech and global NGOs, working with a broad spectrum of pathogens ranging from highly pathogenic viruses, such as Ebola and coronaviruses, to the agents that cause malaria, West Nile virus, and Lyme disease. 

  • Demonstrated success in infectious disease research, advisory, academic, ethics, review committees, and extensive experience as senior experts in the areas of technology application to global disease threats and field operations.

  • Extensive knowledge of emerging diseases, and substantial experience implementing and strengthening disease tracking systems, diagnostic networks and laboratory capacity for rapid detection and identification of new and emerging pathogens.
  • Hands-on experience providing oversight, strategic direction, and management of scientific activities in challenging resource-limited sites in Africa and Asia. Managed and provided critical support, comprising field and laboratory capacity, diagnostics, supply procurement, and communications during outbreaks, including Ebola in Central Africa, influenza H7N9 in China, and Lassa virus in West Africa.
  • Skilled at managing diverse multi-laboratory research teams in challenging resource-limited sites in Africa and Asia to successfully complete complex, multidisciplinary projects with shifting priorities and loosely defined deliverables.
  • Adept at employing diplomacy to establish productive collaborative networks to deliver high-quality, impactful technical products; a leader in the identification, development, and management of new capabilities and processes, working across scientific functional groups, to strategically integrate the scientific expertise and technologies to support the implementation of biomedical programs, providing insights, innovation, and structure.

Experience supporting laboratory diagnostics, research, biosurveillance, biosafety and biosecurity, and building capacity funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's (DTRA) Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP) and Biological Threat Reduction Integration Contracts (BTRIC), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Department of State (DOS); work that provides unprecedented access though long-term relationships with host country ministries of health, as well as internationally recognized research facilities and networks.



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