Brad S. Schneider, PhD


Dr. Brad S Schneider is a scientist and global health leader with extensive experience conducting and directing high-impact scientific, product development, and capacity building programs in the US, Africa, and Asia. Dr. Schneider is an expert in the application of cutting-edge technologies to solve challenges in global health. Dr. Schneider currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Pinpoint Science, a company founded to revolutionize rapid diagnostic tests by commercializing a fast, sensitive, home diagnostic technology. Dr. Schneider also serves as a strategic advisor and expert for multiple international companies, including CRDF Global and Vaccines for Communities (V4C). Prior to his current role, he served as the Chief Scientific Officer at Renegade Bio, where he led a team of scientists focused on improving access to diagnostics by developing diagnostic, telehealth, and home sample collection solutions.

Additionally, Dr. Schneider was Director of Laboratory Sciences at Metabiota, a pioneer in comprehensive risk analytics that help protect global health, building a worldwide network of on-the-ground experts to deliver actionable, data-driven analytics to help countries and corporations mitigate complex health issues (acquired by Ginkgo Bioworks). Prior to working at Metabiota, Dr. Schneider worked at the Pasteur Institute, in Paris, France, within their Virus Pathogenesis Unit and at the US Centers for Disease Control, where he gained proficiency in a broad spectrum of laboratory and field techniques. Beyond research, his efforts there included facilitating collaborations with industry and international U.S. military laboratories, aiding in the design of diagnostic assays for detection of possible bioterrorism agents, and training to serve as a member of a deployable biological incident response team.

With over 20 years of experience, he has worked with a broad range of pathogens in a diversity of settings, including some of the most logistically challenging regions of the world. Dr. Schneider is adept at managing large research and development teams to successfully complete complex, multidisciplinary projects with shifting priorities and loosely defined deliverables, requiring close coordination with US agencies and host countries, including providing critical support during outbreaks, including Ebola in Central Africa, influenza H7N9 in China, monkeypox in Central Africa, and Lassa virus in West Africa. Working in both the government and private sector, he employs diplomacy and cultural sensitivity to establish productive networks harnessed to develop and deploy novel diagnostic technologies and build capacity for rapid detection and identification of emerging pathogens. He is a leader in the development of new capabilities and processes, working across functional groups to strategically integrate scientific expertise and technologies to support the implementation of biomedical programs, providing insight, innovation, and structure.

Dr. Schneider developed country-level operational plans and guided the global diagnostic strategy that was deployed in over 25 countries for the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT program, a highly successful endeavor focused on strengthening capacities in developing countries to detect, identify, and control infectious diseases in animals and people, with an emphasis on early identification of dangerous pathogens before they can become significant threats to human health. As a mentor, he has engaged with early- to mid-career scientists in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia to enhance career development and build research competence, as well as ready national laboratories to successfully develop, manage, and complete science projects. Dr. Schneider has served globally in leadership and advisory roles as a member of academic, ethics, review, and search committees. During his scientific career, he has published over 75 peer-reviewed manuscripts on a broad spectrum of infectious disease topics, including viral, bacterial, and parasitic pathogens. He currently works at both a hands-on and strategic level on emerging infectious diseases, global health, diagnostic development, and biosecurity and biosafety, providing creative solutions to complex analytical and operational problems requiring critical thinking and technical breadth. 

He has consulted as a senior subject matter expert to both the U.S. Government and private sector entities in global health, emerging infectious diseases, and capacity building, providing creative solutions to complex operational problems requiring critical thinking and technical breadth.  His activities have been funded by USAID, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and Dr. Schneider has served globally in leadership and advisory roles as a member of academic, ethics, review and search committees, as well as acting as an Academic Editor and Editorial Board member for the Public Library of Science (PLoS) journal, an Associate Editor for Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases journal, and a Review Board Member for PLOS Currents: Outbreaks.